To create a blind impression (or debossing) means to print without using ink. This is a subtle way to add beautiful texture without colour.
Generally, we would add colour to any text or small, detailed designs but since this was our first run with Wynston we were not yet prepared to get messy with the ink. However, in some cases you can use the blind debossing technique to showcase a specific pattern or background without allowing it to overshadow the rest of your letterpress print.

First Blind Impression Print
© Cottontail Press
Our first blind impression (shown in the picture above) was done on regular computer paper. We were so pleased with the detail that showed up, even on this ultra thin paper, that we were then ready to try again on some cotton stock. After several different tests we think it is safe to say that the beauty of letterpress is definitely in the impression!
If you are interested in a blind impression, we can apply a transparent varnish or tonal ink to slightly enhance the contrast and legibility of small text printed on dark coloured card or paper stocks.